The Blue Pub, São Paulo

The noise
The crowds
The darkness
The smiles
The skin against skin
As we push our way through
Drinks falling out of hands
Staining shirts
Coating arms
The sound of casual laughter
And the notes of a familiar song
The thrill of singing
Louder and louder
Bodies moving, spinning, rising
Excitedly, collectively
Strangers bonding for a night
Spun together in the threads of music
A common language
A familiar experience
Time no longer a factor
A constraint
Just a construct
A reminder
A magnet with a slow pull
Back to the reality
That can only be delayed with
A short walk and some missing keys

Christ the Redeemer, Rio

From so high up
Overlooking the ocean
A Jesus-sized shadow
Slowly creeping across the city
And into the sea
As impressive a size and stature
Most of my attention was pulled
To the far corner
The far edge
The ability to feel still
And silent
Despite the persistent wind
And nonsensical tourist chatter
How fortunate am I
That I am able to find this solace
How fortunate am I
That my whole body can smile
In a moment that felt both
So isolated and so connected
In a land so foreign and so beautiful
It almost felt like I was being pulled
Into the distant haze
Away from the looming figure behind me
And into the horizon itself

Meeting of Waters, Manaus

From above it seems almost peaceful
Two rivers coexisting in one space
Like one arm brushing another
As two friends venture off
To their next destination
But one perhaps has longer legs
And a stronger build
Charging forward at a quickened pace
Leaving the other to trail behind
Within a moment of admiration
Holding within its darkness
Warmth and wonder
At its steadfast friend

Sugar Loaf Mountain, Rio

From the very top
The world below
In a wash of clouds
Soft grey and white movement
All around
Until a peak of vibrant color
Blues and greens
The sandy shade of a beach
Bits of purple and pink
That dot the mountain side
But how can it be
This moment in the sky
And how can it be
Another in the sea
Swimming in the wind
From such a high point
And how could it
Taste so sweet